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A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. Your Review of the Business Please describe your experience with this business. Summary of Review Please summarize your experience with this business.
We were beyond our 2 year warranty on plumbing. They didn't even send anyone over to verify what the problem was. They told us to contact the plumbing compnay that they contract and start with them. Trendmaker Homes, Will HolderTrendmaker Homes And The Houston BBB Trendmaker Homes doesn't honor warranty and lies in arbitration with BBB consumer fraud ripoff Houston Texas ..... Your warranty department was less than helpful, they seemed to just want the problem to go away.
Trendmaker Homes & BBB consumer fraud ripoff Houston Texas
I also want my deductible back, which is again $3200. This gives a total of $10,200 that I expect from Trendmaker or EPIs insurance company. We ended up in arbitration with Will Holder representing Trendmaker Homes and an arbtrator with the Houston BBB. It ended with Will Holder conceding it was the shower pan and that it was caused during construction. He offered to pay for the shower pan but did not offer to pay for the insurance deductible.
Trendmaker Homes DFW, LLC has worked on 14 jobs in the last 12 months. Subs and vendors reported being paid on-time on -21% of projects . This contractor scores a D for payment and ranks in the bottom 15% of small U.S. contractors. I was unable to use my home for two and a half months. I want to have my mortgage back for the time I couldnt use the home. My monthly payment is $2800, so that would be $7000 for the time the house was under repairs.
Trendmaker Homes DFW, LLC Company Overview
Needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. Your review should reflect your experience with the business within the last twelve months. When we contacted Trendmaker Homes they basically told us "too bad, so sad".
Detailed descriptions of your experience are always the best. Put yourself in the position of the reader and add information that will assist the reader in assessing the business. Owners who claim this profile can update information, boost SEO, and more. After 6-7 months, Allstate sent us a leter that they were not making any progress with Trendmaker and that we should ourselves pursue for our out of pocket cost of over $2000. I used to think getting paid in 90 days was normal.
Trendmaker Homes Trendmaker Development Trendamker does not care about customer satisfaction. Houston , Texas
My wife and I felt that we should leave it up to the BBB arbitrator to decide on whether or not Trendmaker should pay for any of the deductible. We felt we did a good job in presenting the facts, including state law, Will Holders false statements,and his concession that the damage occured during construction which is well within the 2 year warranty anyway. I walked into a three hundred thousand dollar disaster. I called the warranty department again and they told me that I was on my own.
Our insurance company put us in a hotel and we had to board our dogs. When we got up in the morning we had no hot water. I called the warranty department and was told not to worry about it, the pipes would thaw out and it would be fine. This is the best way to manage and repair your business reputation. Hiding negative complaints is only a Band-Aid. Consumers want to see how a business took care of business.
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I use the term livable loosely, because all of the trim was out and some sections of the drywall and there was drywall dust everywhere. Get more reviews from your customers with Birdeye. Z & C plumbing came out to investigate and said it was a shower pan leak.
The primary reason is because they want to stay completely anonymous, they do not want to risk any reprisal. Or they could be a whistleblower, employee or ex-employee insider who doesn’t want to be discovered. Remember, just because an author has 'not confirmed' their email account does not mean the Ripoff Report they authored is not truthful. How those businesses take care of those complaints is what separates good businesses from the rest. After our appeal, Tallie Tootle, Director of the BBB, was even worse. She threaten to hang up and not give us a copy of the taped arbitration so we could make our appeal.
It turned out that it took two and a half months of construction. We couldnt use anything and even our dogs had to be boarded the entire time. There are reasons why an author may 'not confirm' an email account.
Additionally, we have had the AC people come out multiple times to fix loud whirring noises with the air conditioner caused by a very short tube from the unit to the intake that had to be replaced and re-routed. The AC in the home is still not balanced and rooms are at significantly different temperatures. We had no choice but, to turn it into our insurance. After a long 2 month ordeal in mold remediation and reconstruction, we finally got back in our house.
We were all beggining to get ill from the mold. Of course, the wife was freaking out about toxic mold especially with a baby. To date, I have still not had any reimbursement from EPIs insurance company, not even my $3200 deductible. They were also unwilling to offer any compensation for the loss of use on my house. With their unwilling to compensate me, it now falls on Trendmaker. We had 33 fans and 6 industrial dehumidifiers running 24/7.
My mother came over to my house about 3pm to let our dogs out and found our house completely flooded. A pipe had burst in the ceiling over the kitchen, causing the ceiling to collapse and the entire first floor to be covered in water. When I came home the water had been off for over an hour and there was still a steady flow of water draining through my garage and down the driveway. About 6 years ago I toured the Trendmaker model home in the Woodcreek Reserve neighborhood and fell in love with it. At the time there was no way that we could afford the house, so I made owning a Trendmaker home part of my five year plan.
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Consequently, a massive amount of black tar-looking mold was discover under the shower pan and surrounding wood. I bought a Tendmaker Home back in November of 1997. Like many homes eventually something will go wrong. In our case, we found out that we had a defective shower pan installed or it was damaged during installation in our Master Bath. Unfortunately, our shower is located on the first floor next to an exterior corner wall of the house so most of the leaking water ran out under the brick over the slab.
Prior to the manifold leak, we had already experienced a host of other warranty issues with the house. All of this had to be repaired and repainted, as well as new pieces of tile needed to be installed around the leaking shower fixture. We have had an ongoing issue with standing water in the back yard along the fenceline and against the house. Someone from Trendmaker spread a small amount of dirt in a couple of low-lying spots which ultimately had no impact on the problem, which still exists.